Framingham High School
Tales of Trickery
Wellesley High School
Der Waffle Haus, Ergo Leggo My Ego
B.M.C. Durfee High School
The Grapes of Wrath
Seventy Fifth
Annual Festival
March 30, 31, and April 1
John Hancock Hall/Back Bay Events
All Star
Acton Boxborough Regional High School - The Midnight Caller
Kate Hanselman for the role of Miss Rowena Douglas
Taylor Ferry for the role of Helen Crews
Andover High School - The Dining Room
Rebecca Christoforo for Multiple Roles
Ned Berger for Multiple Roles
The Bromfield School - Colossus
Alisia Bonnell for the role of Kate Kendall
Lily Narbonne for the role of Hannah Kendall
Dan Cheveralls, Kevin LaPierre, Nick D'Eramo, Reed Harasimowicz for excellence in Scenic Design
B.M.C. Durfee High School - The Grapes of Wrath
Mark Joseph Fastino for the role of Jim Casy
Amy Thurston for the role of Ma Joad
Matthew Sowersby, Tyler Indyck, Emily Leite, Amanda Soito, Diana Chase, Melanie Silva, Kathe Lynn Albernaz, Elyse O'Shaughnessey, Molly Howarth, Gary DeMedeiros, Louis DaCunha, Rebeca Pietruszka for the Musician ensemble.
Korey Mendes for excellence in Scenic Design
Duxbury High School - The Cherry Orchard
Teryn Chin for the role of Farya
Sean Rogan for excellence in Scenic Design
Robin Rittenour for excellence in Costume Design
Framingham High School - Tales of Trickery
Nicholas Sulfaro for the role of the Dancer/Actor
Sabrina Schwartz for the role of Pandji
Casey Mitchell for excellence in Costume Design
Christa Levesque, Nicholas Sulfaro for excellence in Properties Design/Execution
Laura Bird, Liz Drummey, Alex Halstead, Jared Sell for Gamelan Orchestra
Hingham High School - Cut
Liz Szyman for the role of "A"
Matt Thompson for the role of "D"
Holliston High School - Headquarters
Eli Keen for the role of Director
Dan Brevik for the role of Glenn's Posse
Ali Love for the role of Captain
Drew Madden, Katie Elinoff, Dan Brevik for excellence in Set Design
Joseph Case High School - Stratford Lads
Samantha Hackley for the role of Joan Shakespeare
Lizbeth Roberts for the role of Bridget
James Reynolds for the role of Adam of Muscovy
Alex Borden, Dan Murray for excellence in Scenic Design
The Whole Company ....Stage Manager's Award
Leominster High School - Omnipotence and the Wheelbarrow Man
Sarah Cormier for the role of Tanya
Alison Tully for excellence in Stage Management
Michael Petitto for excellence in Scenic Design
St. John's Preparatory School - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Kevin Lynch for the role of Puck
Justin Sultzbach, Peter Casey for excellence in Scenic Design
Kirt Kaminski, Dan Fabrizio for excellence in Videography
Stoneham High School - The Doctor in Spite of Himself
Bryan Miner for the role of Geronte
Jonathan Maganzini, Amanda Kusnierz for excellence in Scenic Design
Leigh Anne Hurley, Amanda Lumb, William Moriarty, Kelly Brown, Kiley Malloch, Marie Picariello for excellence in Costume Design
Wellesley High School - Der Waffle Haus, Ergo Leggo My Ego
Devon Colella for excellence in Multiple Roles
Pat Connolly for excellence in Multiple Roles
Lianne Becker, Devon Colella, Liza Carens, Allie Trionfetti, Britta Rowings, Edmund Donovan, Erich Reinhard, Matt Taylor, Louisa Ferguson, John Lehmann, Katie Lehmann, Peter Mills, Charlie Herron, Pat Connolly, Rachel Child, Emily Pinto, Charlie Singleton, Alison Gates, Elena DiGiandomenico, Virginia Hamilton for excellence in Ensemble Acting
Rachel Rosenberg, Evan Becker for excellence in Sound Design
Emmie Thelander, Lianne Becker for excellence in Scenic Design
Westford Academy - Raft of the Medusa
Chad Paddock, Kevin Holub, Corey O'Rourke, Mark Beaver, Rory Sullivan, John Emery, Scott Nelson, Matt Kelly, Mary McGee, James Marin, Jaime Batista, Andrea Marinilli, Jenn Cusworth, Corey Crowell for the excellence in Ensemble Acting
Emily Gosselin, Emily Hartig, Amy Bubin for excellence in Scenic Design
Weston High School - Chairs
Joav Birjiniuk, Laura Caso, Brian Cowe, Shannon Garland, Alex Engler, Erika Grob, Cara Guappone, Quinton Kappel, Alejandro Lazo, Hannah Perls, Wes Talcott for the role of the Progeny Ensemble
Devin La France, Alisan Oliver-Li for excellence in Sound Design
Peter Freeman, Robert Slotnick for excellence in Lighting Design
Festival Pictures
If you have comments or suggestions, email us at mhsdg@mhsdg.com